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Flowers in the Bald Cypress Garden

If you would like to learn more about these native plants, we recommend Illinois Wildflowers (yes, they have information on shrubs & trees, too) or Missouri Botanical Garden’s Plant Finder. 

Blackeyed Susan.jpg

Black-eyed susan

Rudbeckia speciosa

Jacobs Ladder.jpg

Jacob's ladder

Polemonium reptans

Pale Purple Coneflower.jpg

Pale purple coneflower

Echinacea pallida

Shrubby St.Johns Wort.jpg

Shrubby St. John's wort

Hypericum prolific

Butterfly Weed.jpg

Butterfly weed

Asclepias tuberosa

Northern Dropseed.jpg

Northern dropseed

Sporobolus heterolepis

Pale Indian Plantain.jpg

Pale indian plantain

Cacalia atriplicifolia

Wild Bergamot.jpg

Wild bergamot

Monad fistulosa

Hoary Puccoon.jpg

Hoary puccon

Lithospermum canescens


Golden alexander

Zizia aurea

Praire Bundleflower 1.jpg
Praire Bundleflower 2.jpg

Prairie bundleflower

Desmanthus Illinoensis

Praire Dock.jpg

Prairie dock

Silphium terebinthinaceum

Wild Quinine.jpg

​Wild quinine

Parthenium integrifolium

Prairie Phlox.jpg

Prairie phlox

Phlox pilosa

Winged Loostestrife.jpg

Winged loosestrife

Lithium alatum

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